A deadlift on the other hand asks for a greater range from the hips and a lesser range from the knees than the conventional squat. Gluteus maximus and hamstrings are the prime movers involved in extending the hip, the quadriceps drive knee extension (straight) and our trunk musculature co-contract to create intrabdominal pressure and stiffness allowing for a stability and power transference from the lower limbs and hips to the bar. Much like the squat, if the stance is changed for the deadlift, it can slightly modify the recruited muscles.  A sumo deadlift will again ask the adductors to assist the move and also reduce the lifting height.

Changing the equipment used for the exercises will change the movement pattern and purpose behind it. Dumbbells and kettlebells are a great way to learn the basics of the main lifts. The size and shape of the kettlebell allows the weight to be kept closer to the centre of the body, increasing the overall stability. If the level of depth and strength needed to perform the exercise with a barbell has not been established, these alternatives in a program will assist.